Lithuanian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (LSTSS) unites mental health specialists interested in trauma psychology. The association takes care of the development of psychosocial support in Lithuania and provides evidence-based psychotraumatology trainings and supervision to professionals.
Lithuanian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies was established in 2013 in Vilnius. The president of the association is a clinical psychologist dr. Odeta Geležėlytė, vice president – clinical psichologist Monika Kvedaraitė. The board of the association includes – prof. dr. Evaldas Kazlauskas, doc. dr. Paulina Želvienė, doc. dr. Neringa Grigutytė, child psychologist Ieva Daniūnaitė and clinical psychologist Monika Kvedaraitė. Secretary of the association – Rugilė Vailionytė.